Contact Us Today …… We Can Pack Bottles With Your Printed Labels. Phone 708.344.2200 Fax 708.344.2250

Welcome to Silver Creek

New! Buy Silver Creek products online at the Bottled Water Store.

A Tidal Wave of Momentum

Water: Essential for growth, essential for health, essential for life. It’s no wonder the bottled water business has become the fastest-growing beverage category in the industry. Silver Creek is prepared to grow with it. Find out more >>

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A Bottled Water Product for Every Taste

Silver Creek owns and sells a wide variety of bottled waters: Natural, non-carbonated spring water, naturally flavored spring water enhanced with Vitamin C, ginseng-enhanced green tea flavored spring water, and naturally flavored sparkling water… charcoal bags

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The Point of Difference That Makes A Difference

Women are the primary consumers of bottled spring water – and all women are at risk of breast cancer. Silver Creek supports breast cancer research and support programs on an everyday basis, and has created alliances with local and national breast cancer organizations.

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 Find out more >>

Private Label and Co-Pack Opportunities

Do you have your own line of bottled water – or would you like to? Perhaps you have products that need a quality, reliable packer or would like your company name on bottled spring water. We have assisted many companies with their products’ growth and market expansion, and have enabled several companies to enter the profitable bottled water category for the first time. Find out more >>

©2000 Silver Creek Bottling Company
1814 N. 15th Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160
phone 708.344.2200 fax 708.344.2250

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